10 years since the Territorial Reform – what was expected and what was achieved?10 vite nga Reforma Territoriale- çfar u prit dhe çfar u arrit?

6 Mars, 20240
[English below]
10 vite nga Reforma Territoriale- çfar u prit dhe çfar u arrit?
Ne tryezen me ekperte te organizuar nga Partia Lirise ishte i ftuar edhe Agron Haxhimali Drejtori i Institute for Albanian Municipalities i cilin ne prezantimin e tij nder te tjera ngriti disa ceshtje:
1-nevojen per ta pare ceshtjen e pushtetit vendor ne sistem, ne sistemin e arkitekturës se shtetit, ne sistemin kushtetues.
2- nevoje per mekanizma per shperndarje te barabarte te te mira publike dhe perfaqesimit midis zonava urbane dhe atyre rurale.
3- ndryshimet,korigjimet dhe permiresimet duhet qe te konvergojne ne nje jete me te mire ekonomike, polititike dhe shoqerore ne kushtet e sfidave demografike.
4-reformat apo rishikimet e mundeshme duhet te ken ne fokus qe te sjellin perfitime ekonomike, te mbajne qytetaret ne vendin e tyre, te ruhet tradita, historia, dhe kapitali natyrore.
5-ne tendencat agresive te urbanizimit dhe teknologjise duhet te mendohemi mire per mjedisin, zonat e gjelberta, token, prodhimet lokale, te investohet per te mbajtur kapitalin njerzore.
6-me shume rendesi per sistemin e qeverisjes vendore jan pa dyshim rregullimet administrative, decentralizimi ne format qe i pershtatet kontekstit dhe kultures tone administrative, sistemi zgjedhore lokal etj.
Tedi Blushi
10 years since the Territorial Reform – what was expected and what was achieved?
Agron Haxhimali, Executive Director of the Institute for Albanian Municipalities, was invited to expert round table organized by the Freedom Party, who in his presentation, among other things, raised several issues:
1- the need to see the issue of local government in the system, in the state architecture system, in the constitutional system.
2- need for mechanisms for equal distribution of public goods and representation between urban and rural areas.
3- changes, corrections and improvements must converge in a better economic, political and social life in the conditions of demographic challenges.
4- possible reforms or revisions should focus on bringing economic benefits, keeping citizens in their country, preserving tradition, history, and natural capital.
5- in the aggressive trends of urbanization and technology, we must think carefully about the environment, green areas, land, local products, invest to maintain human capital.
6-more important for the local government system are undoubtedly the administrative arrangements, decentralization in the form that suits our administrative context and culture, the local electoral system, etc. <iframe src=”https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Finstituteforalbanianmunicipalities%2Fposts%2Fpfbid02prTLpLfxaMsbiMU3Gzwa9Ketj6H84qtYiJsVhHaza2EpkJoZudUwCmN836EzKLntl&show_text=true&width=500″ width=”500″ height=”797″ style=”border:none;overflow:hidden” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”true” allow=”autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share”></iframe>

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