Alexandria , and Tirana , will be the first-ever Mediterranean Capitals of Culture and Dialogue in 2025
6 Mars, 2024
Alexandria , and Tirana , will be the first-ever Mediterranean Capitals of Culture and Dialogue in 2025
Alexandria , and Tirana , will be the first-ever Mediterranean Capitals of Culture and Dialogue in 2025. The initiative, endorsed by the UfM’s 43 Member States, seeks to honour the region’s diversity while also promoting mutual understanding with a yearlong programme of cultural and educational activities in each city. EU Neighbourhood & Enlargement #EU4Culture Union...
Thirrje për projekt propozime: Realizimi i projekteve të vogla në fushat e energjisë, mbrojtjes së klimës dhe transportit
7 Korrik, 2022
Thirrje për projekt propozime: Realizimi i projekteve të vogla në fushat e energjisë, mbrojtjes së klimës dhe transportit
Thirrje për projekt propozime: Realizimi i projekteve të vogla në fushat e energjisë, mbrojtjes së klimës dhe transportit Tranzicioni i energjisë EU4: Konventa e Kryetarëve të Bashkive në Ballkanin Perëndimor dhe Turqi Shoqata e Bashkive të Shqipërisë është duke mbështetur zbatimin e projektit: Tranzicioni energjetik EU4: Konventa e Kryetarëve të Bashkive në Ballkanin Perëndimor dhe...
RFQ-1: Construction works for the implementation of the detailed technical design of a farmers’ market in the municipality of Al-Emarah, Missan.
26 Prill, 2022
RFQ-1: Construction works for the implementation of the detailed technical design of a farmers’ market in the municipality of Al-Emarah, Missan.
Albanian Association of Municipalities kindly requests your quotation for the provision of works and goods as detailed in Annex 1 of this RFQ. This Request for Quotation comprises the following documents: Section 1: This request letter Section 2: RFQ Instructions and Data         Annex 1: Scope of Works (SoW)           Annex 2: Quotation Submission Form                                 Annex 3:...
Announcement for consultancy in agriculture sector
27 Gusht, 2021
Announcement for consultancy in agriculture sector
Association of Albanian Municipalities has started the implementation of the Project “Governorate for Agriculture Innovation”, with the support of UNDP Iraq, funded by EU.  As part of the activities of the project, AAM is launching a call for the selection of: Three Albanian experts, Team Leader and 2 agriculture experts; Three Iraqi experts, one institutional...
Ftesë për Ofertë/ Pajisje dhe Punime për Këndin e Lojrave, NJA 4 – Bashkia Durrës
15 Dhjetor, 2020
Ftesë për Ofertë/ Pajisje dhe Punime për Këndin e Lojrave, NJA 4 – Bashkia Durrës
Ftesë për Ofertë PAJISJE dhe PUNIME PËR KËNDIN e LOJRAVE, NJA 4 – Bashkia Durrës Project: “Enhancing local capacities to implement the 2030 Agenda and the Leave No One Behind Principle”   Shoqata e Bashkive të Shqipërisë me mbështetjen e programit rajonal të GIZ/ORF Albania (Fondet e Hapura Rajonale për Evropën Juglindore) dhe të NALAS...
Projekti “Dieta Mesdhetare” Interreg MED/ Thirrje për shprehje interesi
12 Tetor, 2020
Projekti “Dieta Mesdhetare” Interreg MED/ Thirrje për shprehje interesi
Projekti “Dieta Mesdhetare” Interreg MED  Thirrje për shprehje interesi 12 tetor 2020   Shoqata e Bashkive të Shqipërisë hap thirrjen për përzgjedhjen e individëve apo sipërmarrjeve që do të përfitojnë mbështetje për pesë (5) produkte agro-ushqimore / ose shërbime të lidhura me to. Të dhëna mbi projektin Listuar si pjesë e Trashëgimisë Jomateriale të Njerëzimit,...
SERVICE CONTRACT NOTICE | Technical Expertise to support the Local Action Plan development for the promotion of the sustainable tourism
14 Shtator, 2020
SERVICE CONTRACT NOTICE | Technical Expertise to support the Local Action Plan development for the promotion of the sustainable tourism
SERVICE CONTRACT NOTICE Technical Expertise to support the Local Action Plan development for the promotion of the sustainable tourism   READ FULL DOCUMENT Service Contract Notice (View full document)   LIST OF CONTRACT NOTICE DOCUMENTS: Instruction to Tenderers (View full document) Tender form (View full document) TOR Sustown  (View full document) Draft service contract (View...
Relaunch: Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – IT Data Collection Expert for Italy – Online Platform
3 Gusht, 2020
Relaunch: Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – IT Data Collection Expert for Italy – Online Platform
Relaunch: Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – IT Data Collection Expert for Italy – Online Platform ALL DOCUMENTS FIFAnnex VI (View full document in PDF) LEFAnnex VII (View full document in PDF) Part A Information for tenderer Data collection Italy (View full document in PDF) Invitation Data collection Italy Relaunch 2  (View full...
Relaunch: Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – IT Data Collection Expert for Italy – Online Platform
6 Korrik, 2020
Relaunch: Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – IT Data Collection Expert for Italy – Online Platform
Relaunch: Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – IT Data Collection Expert for Italy – Online Platform ALL DOCUMENTS FIFAnnex VI (View full document in PDF) LEDAnnex VII (View full document in PDF) Part A Information for tenderer Data collection Italy (View full document in PDF) Invitation Data collection Italy Relaunch  (View full document...
Local Risk Assessment in Kolonja
15 Qershor, 2020
Local Risk Assessment in Kolonja
Circulation restricted to the contracting authority and to the author of the document to protect the individual and to protect privacy, commercial and industrial secrecy SERVICE TENDER SUBMISSION FORM  Ref: A2 – 1.4 – 1 Public awareness, Preparedness, Participation and Coordination for Civil Protection for All – 4PLUS, Interreg IPA CBC Greece-Albania 2014-2020 Contract title:...
Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – IT Data Collection Expert for Italy – Online Platform
18 Maj, 2020
Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – IT Data Collection Expert for Italy – Online Platform
Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – IT Data Collection Expert for Italy – Online Platform ALL DOCUMENTS FILES: Invitation Data collection Italy (Download) LEF Annex VII (Download) Part A Information for tenderer Data collection Italy (Download) Part B Format of offer to be provided by the tenderer Data collection Italy (Download) FIF Annex VI (Download) Format contract Data...
Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – IT Data Collection Expert for Montenegro – Online Platform
18 Maj, 2020
Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – IT Data Collection Expert for Montenegro – Online Platform
Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – IT Data Collection Expert for Montenegro – Online Platform   ALL DOCUMENTS FILES: Invitation to tender, Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – IT Data Collection Expert for Montenegro – Online Platform (Download) LEF Annex VII (Download) Part A Information for tenderer Data collection Montenegro (Download)...
Data collection expert – Team Leader
16 Maj, 2020
Data collection expert – Team Leader
Data collection expert- Team Leader   ALL DOCUMENTS FILE: Data collection expert – Team Leader TOR FLAT  (Download) Data collection expert – Team Leader Tender form FLAT (Download) Data Collection expert – Team Leader Draft service contract_FLAT (Download) Data Collection expert – Team Leader Contract notice FLAT  (Download)
Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – IT Web Design and Maintenance Experts – Online Platform
12 Maj, 2020
Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – IT Web Design and Maintenance Experts – Online Platform
OTHER DOCUMENTS SERVICE CONTRACT FOR EUROPEAN UNION EXTERNAL ACTIONS No 4 financed from the IPA FUNDS under Interreg IPA CBC programme Download full document (Download) SERVICE TENDER SUBMISSION FORM Download full document (Download) ANNEX II: TERMS OF REFERENCE Download full document (Download)
18 Shkurt, 2020
Shoqata e Bashkive të Shqipërisë me mbështetjen e programit rajonal të GIZ/ORF Albania (Fondet e Hapura Rajonale për Evropën Juglindore) do të vazhdojë zbatojë projektin me fokus pregatitjet për Planin e Mobilitetit te Qëndrueshëm Urban (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan -SUMP). Nje komponent  ketij projekti ështe dhe pilotimi në bashkine Shkoder i infrastrukures që mbështet dhe ...
Njoftimi i prokurimit për një kontratë shërbimi
31 Janar, 2020
Njoftimi i prokurimit për një kontratë shërbimi
Shkarkoni materialin e plotë në formatin PDF
Formati i ofertës që duhet të ofrohet nga tenderuesi
31 Janar, 2020
Formati i ofertës që duhet të ofrohet nga tenderuesi
Shkarkoni materialin e plotë në PDF  
Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – work group member – Junior Expert 3
17 Nëntor, 2018
Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – work group member – Junior Expert 3
Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – work group member – Junior Expert 3     ALL DOCUMENTS Contract Notice Junior Expert (View/ Download full document) Instruction to tender Junior Expert (View/ Download full document) TOR s Junior Expert (View/ Download full document) Draft service contract Junior Expert (View/ Download full document)
Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – work group member – Key Expert Albania – Tirana
17 Nëntor, 2018
Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – work group member – Key Expert Albania – Tirana
Technical Expertise for floods and landslides prevention – work group member – Key Expert Albania – Tirana ALL DOCUMENTS Contract Notice KEY expert (View/ Download full document) TOR s Key Expert (View/ Download full document) Instruction to tenderer s Key expert (View/ Download full document) Draft service Contract Key Expert (View/ Download full document)