Drejtori Ekzekutiv i Shoqatës së Bashkive z. Agron Haxhimali ishte në panelin e duskutimeve mbi “Impaktin e pandemise COVID-19 te Shoqerite Ujesjelles Kanalizime ne Shqiperi”, me teme Bashkepunimi i aktoreve kryesore ne mbeshtetje te nevojave emergjente te shoqerive UK”.
Ne webinar moren pjese grupe te ndryshme interesi te sektorit te ujesjelles kanalizimeve nga Shqiperia, rajoni dhe me gjere, si shoqeri UK, donatore, institucione qendrore dhe lokale, institucione financiare, akademia, ambasada, kompani private etj.
Paneli i diskutimit perbehej nga Ndriçim Shani, Kryetar i Komisionit Kombetar Rregullator, ERRU; Flauers Shoshi, Zv. Drejtor i Pergjithshem, AKUM; Petrit Tare, President, SHUKALB, dhe Drejtor i Pergjithshem, UK Korçe; Patricia Lopez, Specialiste e Larte per Financat dhe Infrastrukturen, Banka Boterore; Bledar Dollaku, Koordinator i Larte i Projektit, Infrastruktura Bashkiake ne Shqiperi, Zyra e KfW-se ne Tirane; Gabriele Lames, Menaxhere Programi, Programi i Ujit, GIZ Albania; Adelina Farrici, Drejtore Ekzekutive, Shoqata per Autonomine Vendore dhe Agron Haxhimali, Drejtor Ekzekutiv, Shoqata e Bashkive te Shqiperise. Webinari u moderua nga Elisabeta Poçi, Zevendes Drejtore Ekzekutive e SHUKALB.
Gjate eventit panelistet diskutuan mbi mbi sfidat kryesore, masat lehtesuese dhe nevojat emergjente qe kane aktualisht shoqerite UK, si dhe iu pergjigjen shume pyetjeve te adresuara nga pjesemarresit.
Ne ditet ne vazhdim ne do te ndajme videon e plote te eventit si dhe nje permbledhje me ceshtjet kryesore te diskutuara nga panelistet.
SHUKALB organized successfully today the second webinar to discuss the impact of COVID-19 pandemics on Water Utilities in Albania, titled “Collaboration of the Key Actors in Supporting the Emergency Needs of Water Utilities”. The webinar was attended by various stakeholders of the water supply and sewerage sector from Albania, the region and beyond, such as water utilities, donors, LGUs, central government, financial institutions, academia, embassies, private companies etc.
The panelists of the webinar were Ndriçim Shani, Chair of National Regulatory Commission, Water Regulatory Authority; Flauers Shoshi, Deputy General Director, Agency for Water Supply, Sewerage and Waste Infrastructure; Petrit Tare, President, SHUKALB, and General Director, Korçe Water Supply and Sewerage Utility; Patricia Lopez, Senior Infrastructure Finance Specialist, Water Global Practice, World Bank, USA; Bledar Dollaku, Senior Project Coordinator, Municipal Infrastructure Albania, KfW Tirana Office; Gabriele Lames, Programme Manager, Water Programme, GIZ Albania; Adelina Farrici, Executive Director, Association for Local Autonomy and Agron Haxhimali, Executive Director, Albanian Association of Municipalities. The webinar was moderated by Elisabeta Poçi, Deputy Executive Director of SHUKALB.
During the event the panelists presented the key challenges, mitigation measures, and the emergency needs of water utilities, as well as answered many questions addressed by the participants.
In the upcoming days we will share the full video of the event, as well as a summary of the main issues addressed by the panelists. Shoqata Ujësjellës Kanalizime e Shqipërisë Shoqata Per Autonomi Vendore