Role of Municipalities in the green skills!

6 Mars, 20240
Role of Municipalities in the green skills!
This Workshop on green skills is organised by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and hosted by the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies at their Zaragoza campus on 1 and 2 February 2024.
This initiative has been co-created with the collaboration of the CIHEAM Zaragoza expert team, Paeradigms, the European Training Foundation, and is supported by the German Development Cooperation
(GIZ) and the Slovenia Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.
In the Mediterranean region, the challenge of high unemployment rates among youth and women persists,
partly attributed to a skills gap between higher education and employer demands. This discrepancy is striking,
with over 32% of enterprises in certain Southern Mediterranean countries citing skill deficiencies as a major
barrier to their hiring processes…

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