Terms of Reference For Preparation of detailed design of a farmers’ market in the municipality of Al-Emarah, Missan

20 Shtator, 20210


Programme ‘Supporting Recovery and Stability in Iraq through Local Development’ Funded by the European Union and Implemented by UNDP




 For Preparation of detailed design of a farmers’ market in the municipality of Al-Emarah, Missan.


  1. Background


Having once covered a green area the size of a small country, today the Marshlands of Iraq still face many agricultural and environmental challenges even after being re-flooded almost two decades ago. Its population relies heavily on the marsh eco-systems for water and livelihoods, which continue to suffer due to those challenges. The Marshlands are located near the governorate of Missan, which despite being historically considered an important agricultural center, its economy now suffers due to crumbling infrastructure and poor access to resources.


Iraq has recognized the importance of agriculture and the need to prioritize its role in the overall economic and social development of the country (National action plans, Sustainable development goals etc.). The policy framework guiding the prioritization of needs aims at creating a proper environment to support efficient and sustainable increases in food and agriculture production, improvement of food security and reduction rural poverty. Policies relying mainly on oil production had a deteriorating impact on the growth of other economic sectors, including agriculture. As a matter of fact, agriculture contributes a substantial share of Iraq’s economy (5 percent of total GDP), is the largest source of employment in the country (approximately 20 percent) and is dominated by the private sector. Yet, the contribution of agriculture to GDP has been declining in the last decade from 5.2 % in 2009 to 1.4% in 2019. This data is the result of many factors that affected the agricultural sector: war, protests, institutional and economic setbacks. The security situation and rural poverty have contributed to this decline with an outflow of people from the countryside to the urban areas seeking employment and economic opportunities.


In light of the above, under the Programme ‘Supporting Recovery and Stability in Iraq through Local Development’ Funded by the European Union and Implemented by UNDP, the Association of Albanian Municipalities is carrying out the project titled Peer to Peer cooperation with Iraqi Governorate – Mission to support agriculture and rural development in the region.


As part of the project, AAM is launching the call for preparation of detailed design of a farmers’ market in the municipality of Al-Emarah, Missan.


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