ToRs for Local Consultant on sustainable urban mobility planning

1 Prill, 20190

Title of the project: Increased capacities in preparation of SUMPs in Albanian Municipalities

PN: 83322309

ToRs for Local Consultant on sustainable urban mobility planning

  1. Background information on the overall project

The project proposal to be implemented by the Association of Albanian Municipalities intends to assist 5 pilot municipalities in increasing internal capacities to draft sustainable mobility plans to improve conditions in the transport and urban mobility sector and enhance knowledge of the public about the benefits of such sustainable urban mobility solutions with activities on European Week of Mobility. The overall goal of this project is to contribute to better transport and mobility at the local level in Albania.  Within this overall objective, the proposed intervention aims to achieve the following specific objectives:

SO1:      Increase capacities of 5 Albanian municipalities in drafting sustainable urban mobility plans in line with EU Commission guidelines.


  • 5 municipal experts are trained and equipped with knowledge on drafting SUMPs
  • Pilot activities in targeted municipalities

SO2:      Increase public awareness on the importance of sustainable urban mobility by marking the European Week of Mobility 2019.


  • Promotional Products prepared for citizens during European Week of Mobility 2019.

The project will be implemented through a co-constructive approach by using local expertise on sustainable urban mobility planning to equip the designated municipalities with capacities to be ready to draft sustainable urban mobility plans. The team of experts will be made of two experts.

A series of trainings will be organized with the Professional Forum as to ensure capacity development and concrete preparation in actual municipalities.  Trainings are planned as follows:

  • First conduction training on principles to be followed in drafting SUMPs, data requested, the need for a communication plan, actors involved, citizens’ participation etc. Municipal specialist from municipalities will be instructed to start identification of input for all matters.
  • On the job trainings will be carried out in each municipality and the team of experts will assist municipal specialist identification and addressing difficulties they might have in the future. 3 meetings will be held in each municipality.
  • Final conference will be organized to share the experience during on the job trainings in 5 pilot municipalities. Each municipal expert will present the current situation of challenges in his municipality when it comes to mobility.
  1. Specific situation

The experts must meet the following criteria:

  • Have over 2 years of experience in the field of sustainable mobility plans.
  • To know very well the local government in Albania and the regulatory framework.
  1. Tasks of the local consultant

The Local Consultant will complete the following tasks:

  1. Organize the trainings in the frame of the project.
  2. Organize meetings with the working group of the Municipalities for drafting the SUMP.
  3. Collaborate and prepare a draft report for the results coming from the working group of each municipality.
  4. Development of a draft structure of SUMP document for 5 Pilot Municipalities.
  5. Assist the Municipalities for European Week of the Mobility
  6. Preparing the final report
  7. Reporting

The work report is to be submitted in English language, to Association of Albanian Municipalities. Reports should always be based on the relevant targets and indicators and focus on the impact/results achieved.


  1. Time frame

The service will be provided from 10.05.2019 to 15.04.2020.

  1. Payment

Payment will be made in base of the training provided and submission of the report.

Payment for the Local Expert will be in a total 1,259,470.00 ALL

If you are interested please send an updated CV to the email at [email protected] within two weeks.


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