Shoqata e Bashkive të Shqipërisë një nga 10 partnerët në Evropë në projektin Recov.

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Shoqata e Bashkive të Shqipërisë një nga 10 partnerët në Evropë në projektin Recov.

Partneri kryesor në këtë projekt është Bashkia e Qendrës, Shkup.

Koordinimi i përgjithshëm i projektit zbatohet nga ALDA europe.

Mbeshtetur përmes programit të Evropës për Qytetarët.
RECOV – REthinking Collaborative Values for public services
March 1st, 2018 – February 29th, 2020

Short description
The project was developed by 10 partners across Europe, recognizing the importance to jointly address recently emerging challenges and to take an advantage of opportunities arising out of this cooperation. It aims at creating a network of towns eager to work together on exchanging common problems, joint brainstorming and introducing concrete measures in regard to project specific objectives.

The main goal is to create local networks capable of working together on the improvement of local governance through dialogue and participation, contributing to more inclusive and democratic society.
The specific objectives include:
fostering the exchange of best practices of local cooperation as well as to share solutions contributing to the establishment of learning networks on European level.
Capacity building activities, discussions on EU contribution to local policies and initiatives as well as ways and tools for their improvement contribute to fostering European citizenship and improving conditions and democratic participation at Union level.
Launching platforms for local dialogue between LAs, citizens and stakeholder.
Raising awareness on EU policies in relation to those societal challenges as well as on mechanisms for addressing them both at local and European level.
Creating opportunities for learning and sharing new solutions: particularly ICT technologies can be employed providing new tools for citizen participation and initiative.
This project consists of the following activities:
Preparation activities, including online preparation activities and local preparation activities;
4 international events focused on ICT tools for open government; collaborative public services; innovative and sustainable financial instruments for local governments; participation and collaborative values as a way to innovation and local development;
Local activities on the topic implemented in all partner countries.
Lead partner:
Municipality of Centar, Skopje – Macedonia
Associated partners:
European association for local democracy ALDA – France
Municipality of Santoroso – Italy
Municipality Grosuple – Slovenia
Clube Intercultural Europeu, Amadora – Portugal
City of Uzice – Serbia
Albanian association of Municipalities, Tirana – Albania
Raunas Novada Dome, Rauna – Latvia
Asociatia Nationala a Femeilor din Madiul Rural, Rucar – Romania
Unione dei comuni Montiferru, Milis-Oristano – Italy

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