The project « IPLAY: Internet Access for Participation, Learning and Active Youth» was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme “Europe for Citizens”.
Strand 2 – Measure 2.2 “Networks of Towns”
6 events have been carried out within this project:
Participation: The event involved 53 citizens including 37 participants from the cities of Castrignano del Capo and Taurisano (ITALY),1 participant from the city of Granada (Spain), 1 participant from the city of Terceira
(Portugal),.2 participants from the city of Bruxelles (Belgium) ,3 participants from the city of Athens (Greece), 3 participants from the city of Tirane (Albania), 4 participants from the city of Musninku (Lithuania) ,.2 participants from the city of .Paris (France).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Castrignano del Capo (ITALY), from 26/04/2022 1to 29/04/2022 Short description: The aim of the event was to build and consolidate the partnership, adequately informing the
Institutions about the project management, tasks and roles, how to offer a proper visibility to I-PLAY and the Europe for Citizens programme, its main aim, activity schedule, and outputs. The partners also learnt more about how to organize the Local Initiatives for collecting feedbacks from the local communities.