Zonja Voltana Ademi, Kryetare e Bashkisë Shkodër dhe njekohësisht Presidente e Shoqatës së Bashkive të Shqipërise, uron Presidenten dhe drejtuesit e rinj të Kongresit dhe shpreh gadishmërine dhe nevojën për bashkëpunim.
Sesioni i 31 i Kongresit bëri zgjedhjet për drejtuesit e rinj të Kongresit. Zonja Gudrun Mosler-Törnström (Austria, SOC), u zgjodh si Presidente e Kongresit. Anders Knape (Suedia, EPP-CCE) u ri-zgjodh President i Dhomës së Autoriteteve Lokale dhe Gunn Marit Helgesen (Norvegji, EPP-CCE), u zgjodh si Kryetar i Dhomës së Rajoneve. http://www.coe.int/t/congress/
Më poshtë teksti i letrës që Zonja Ademi i dërgon Zonjës Gudrun Mosler-Törnström .
Honorable Mrs. Gudrun Mosler-Törnström,
President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
On the occasion of your appointment as President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, the Association of Albanian Municipalities is pleased to send You our sincere greetings and wish You and the Congress reach the aimed success.
We believe in the indisputable success and in realizing Your major goals for giving more power to local government and local democracy in Europe and South East Europe.
We, the Association of Municipalities of Albania, ensure of our support and cooperation with you and other Congress’ institutions, with the interest of deepening and improving the decentralization reforms in local government and with the interests of the unifying the voice of local elected officials.
We are strongly working to be face challenges and difficulties of Territorial and Administrative Reforms implemented recently in Albania, and trying to avoid the unnecessary complexity of political situations, because we as elected must go forward with aspiration from the Albanian people – Membership in the European Union.
Once again on behalf of Albanian Association of Municipalities accept our most sincere congratulations!
Mrs. Voltana Ademi,
Mayor of Shkodra Municipality
President of Association of Albanian Municipalities
31 tetor 2016